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Gallup found that companies that invested in professional development for staff were twice as likely to retain their staff. 

More than a Workplace

The reality is, today’s workplace is more than a place to pick up a paycheck. It is a virtual community; a community focused on learning, connection and impact.  Employees now look to their employers to provide professional development opportunities and career coaching and guidance. 



Your Partner FoR Professional Development 

Chicago Career Consulting can serve as your partner to provide substantive, research based professional development opportunities for staff. Your employees will view it as benefit and you will see the results in team morale, culture and engagement.

Anchor 1

is it Worth It Though?


Employees who can articulate how their personal purpose aligns with company mission are more likely to be retained- Harvard Business Review.

3 Times More Likely

Employees who don't feel supported in their professional growth are 3 times as likely to look for other jobs. - Tiny Pulse.

Professional Growth

 44% of employees don’t feel they have sufficient opportunities for professional growth in their current positions.” -TinyPulse 

Hunger to Learn

EY recommends to provide gen z employees opportunities to learn as a strategic  competitive edge. - Forbes

Want a Sneak Peak?

Below you'll see some examples of some of our most recent offerings.

New Leader Training

You worked hard to recruit top talent. But are they developing the leadership skills to move your teams forward? Take an active step to prepare them, and cultivate a vision of their future.


Set your staff up for success by engaging with us. 

Coaching as a Benefit

Sometimes staff need support when creating a vision for their life. Create a culture that celebrates and empowers team members to tap into their best strengths. You'll not only witness improved performance in their work, you will also position your organization as a progressive partner in their personal and professional career journey.


Customized packages available including discounted packages for nonprofit, educational or veteran services organizations. This benefit is a great offering to staff along with a series of asynchronous virtual learning labs on select career and leadership development topics.



The 4 domains 

Purpose &


for Employees 

Help your employees dig deeper. Both an employee benefit and retention tool, this learning lab uses an interactive format to help employees articulate how their personal purpose aligns with your company. You can expect great moments of team connection and engagement!

Want to learn more? Let us Customize Your Experience. 

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