We Envision
A Different
Kind of Workplace
It's true. We believe a different reality is possible.
We envision a workplace where people can feel a sense of connection and purpose throughout their day. Sounds hard to believe, right?
We envision employees and teams who aren't only productive but also satisfied, motivated, and heard. We envision work where equity and inclusion are more than a side priority or number on a report, but an everyday essential practice, woven into the fibers of the organizational culture. And what if employee burnout was of moral concern, rather than the expected and inevitable outcome? Often we want these realities to be true but we aren't sure how it is possible.
Chicago Career Consulting exists to bridge this gap and empower individuals, teams, and organizations to design more meaningful and impactful lives and careers.

Our work with individuals encompasses a variety of experiences from parents re-entering the workforce, to newly promoted managers, to C-suite leaders looking for focus and support. All of us at one time or another need a partner for reflection, direction and clarity as we chart our career paths. This can be a deeply personal topic, so we're ready to customize around your specific need.

For teams and organizations we are a one-stop resource for all things coaching and professional development. We don't believe in "snore sessions" and instead offer an engaging approach to professional development that actually motivates employees in their own career purpose and direction. Some of our services include customized leadership development programs, coaching as a benefit, conflict and communication tools, and anti-racism and equity action plans. We are your resource and partner as you create the workforce of the future.
To know us is to know our beliefs
Research Informs Our Approach
And while our beliefs may drive us, our research informs us. Our coaches and consultants have extensive educational and experiential backgrounds We draw on a number of research based approaches including design thinking, narrative career coaching, strength based frameworks, relational and cognitive behavioral techniques.

We believe many people are tired of waking up with dread, being spread too thin, and on the edge of burn-out.
We believe there is hope for clarity to build a meaningful and intentional life and career.

We believe people want to feel connection to a deeper sense of purpose in their life and career.
We believe career development has been high-jacked by resumes, applications and outdated blazers. In other words, we've been taught to focus on the wrong things. (though we do love a solid 1980's pump!)
We believe people can do incredible things when empowered to take ownership of their life.