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Coaching = Experimentation + Self-Discovery


Continuing from my previous post, both coaching and yoga provide “transformational spaces” for us to grow and change. According to Stephen Cope in his book, “Yoga and the Quest for the True Self,” here are a couple more qualities of transformational spaces:

Encouragement of Creativity and Experimentation: In these spaces, out-of-the-box thinking is encouraged, allowing you to explore new ways of being and thinking. 

Self-Discovery Support: These environments don’t tell you who you are but support you in finding out for yourself. 

This is something I appreciate immensely. Growing up with many external influences that tried to define who I “should” be, I am grateful for spaces in my life that allow me to find out for myself who I am. Sometimes that means trying on a few “asanas” to see which one feels best. This is an incredibly valuable part of the process. 

Do you have spaces in your life that accept your experimentation as you discover who you are? 

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